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AVETH 55rd General Assembly March 16, 2021

Date: Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Time: 6.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. (approx.)

Place: Zoom meeting ID 959 9136 1514, Password 616161

We will briefly report on the activities of the board, present the financial report from AVETH & Telejob for 2020, and have replacement elections. After the general assembly, we invite you to a virtual-apéro in (, password aveth2021).

The suggested agenda is the following:

  1. Opening (checking regularity of convocation, appointment of vote counters, approval of agenda)
  2. Approval of the minutes of the 54rd general assembly of October 08, 2021*
  3. Reports of the board
  4. Financial reports 2020
    • AVETH*
    • Telejob*
  5. Discharge of the AVETH board
  6. Elections
    • Presendency & Telejob executive board
    • Board
    • Coordinators
    • Representatives for commissions
  7. Varia

All relevant documents (marked with *) are available on polybox:

AVETH is solely run by volunteers and we are constantly looking for new people in all areas. If you would like to take part in AVETH projects and working groups or, perhaps, represent the association in various ETH commissions, feel free to contact us before the assembly (

All members of the scientific staff are welcome to participate. We are looking forward to meeting you!